
2 DIN Receivers


Double-DIN Prijemnici

S proizvodima koji su tako opremljeni, su pakirani našim Double-DIN modelima koji mogu dopustiti više mjesta za izravni pristup i veliki zaslon. Na našem DPX405BT to znači izravan pristup vašem telefonskom imeniku za jednostavno i sigurno biranje.



DPX-7300DAB - CD/USB Receiver with Digital radio DAB+ • Bluetooth technology • Amazon Alexa voice service.


CD/USB Receiver with Digital radio DAB+ • Bluetooth technology • Amazon Alexa voice service.
DPX-5200BT - CD/USB-Receiver with Bluetooth built-in, Spotify & Amazon Alexa ready


CD/USB-Receiver with Bluetooth built-in, Spotify & Amazon Alexa ready
DPX-M3300BT - Digital Media Receiver with Bluetooth technology for hands-free phone calls & music streaming.


Digital Media Receiver with Bluetooth technology for hands-free phone calls & music streaming.